Piero Poli Université Grenoble Alpes ISTerre CS 40700 38058 GRENOBLE Cedex 9 email: pieropoli85 at gmail dot com google scholar --------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS: I have been awarded an ERC starting grant. PhD and Post-doc positions are available. Contact me if you are interested. To learn more about my project click here: ERC MONIFAULT project |
Research Interest
I am a seismologist with experience in both earthquake source physics, and seismic tomography and imaging using the seismic ambient noise. My research is based on analysis of seismic data to understand the earthquake sources and the structure of the Earth. I am mainly interested in fault rheology and deformation style (Fig. 1), rupture nucleation (Fig. 2), induced microseismicity, rupture mechanism of deep and intermediate depth earthquakes (Fig. 3), ambient noise for body wave recovery, imaging the core mantle boundary and mantle transition zone, seismic signal sonification, scattering and wave propagation. To learn more about my research, you can read the EOS Spotlight on deep earthquakes or listen to the science podcast about using seismic noise to image the mantle transition zone. Fig. 2: Time evolution of precursory signals for the Nuugaatsiaq landslide. A) Cumulative number of event as function of time. B) The 95 detected events ranged as function of time. The stack of these signals gives the reference trace (C) in which clear P and S waves are observed. The amplitude time evolution (D) is in clear agrees with the exponential increment of events seen in (A). From Poli (2017).
Fig. 1: Rheological model of the Chilean megathrust in the zone of the 2015 Illapel earthquake, reconstructed from the analysis of seismicity, repeating earthquakes, sea floor bathymetry and magnetic anomaly (from Polit et al. 2017).
Fig. 3: Example of nucleation phase observed for a magnitude 7 intermediate depth earthquake in Hindu Kush (from Poli et al. 2016).
2019 Division Outstanding Early Carrer Scientist EGU LINK
Grenoble University Best PhD Thesis Award, Grenoble University, November 2014
2019 Division Outstanding Early Carrer Scientist EGU LINK
Grenoble University Best PhD Thesis Award, Grenoble University, November 2014
Published papers (For updates click HERE):
Seismic precursors to the Nuugaatsiaq landslide (Greenland), P. Poli, Geophysical Research Letters, DOI: 10.1002/2017GL075039
Depth variations of 410‐km and 660‐km discontinuities in eastern North China Craton revealed by ambient noise interferometry, J Feng, H Yao, P Poli, L Fang, Y Wu, P Zhang, Geophysical Research Letters, DOI: 10.1002/2017GL074263
Analysis of intermediate period correlation of coda from deep earthquakes, P. Poli, M. Campillo, M. de Hoop, EPSL, 2017, V477.
The deep Perú 2015 doublet earthquakes, S. Ruiz, H. Tavera, P. Poli, C. Herrera, C. Flores; E. Rivera, R. Madariaga, EPSL.
Reawakening of large earthquakes in South-Central Chile: The 2016 Chiloé Mw7.6 event
S. Ruiz, M. Moreno, D. Melnick, F. del Campo, P. Poli, J.C. Baez, F. Leyton, R. Madariaga, GRL, DOI:10.1002/2017GL074133
Mapping the rheology of Central Chile subduction zone with aftershocks, W. Frank, P. Poli, H. Perfettini, GRL.
Earthquake rupture below the brittle-ductile transition in continental lithospheric mantle
Germán A. Prieto, Bérénice Froment, Chunquan Yu, Piero Poli, and Rachel Abercrombie. Science Advances, 3 (3), e1602642. (2017).
Dynamic inversion of the 2015 Jujuy earthquake and similarity with other intraslab events
Carlos Herrera Sergio Ruiz Raul Madariaga Piero Poli
Geophys J Int ggx056. DOI: (2017).
The Mw 8.3 Illapel earthquake (Chile): pre- and post- seismic activity associated with hydrated slab structures,
Poli, P., Maksymowicz, A. Ruiz, S., Geology, G38522. 1 (2017).
The Seismic Sequence of the 16 September 2015 Mw 8.3 Illapel, Chile, Earthquake.
Ruiz, S., Klein, E., del Campo, F., Rivera, E., Poli, P., Metois, M., & Madariaga, R. Seismological Research Letters. Vol. 87.5 (2016).
Complex rupture of the M6. 3 March 10, 2015 Bucaramanga earthquake: evidence of strong weakening process.
Poli, P., Prieto, G. A., Yu, C. Q., Florez, M., Agurto-Detzel, H., Mikesell, T. D., & Pedraza, P.
Geophysical Journal International, ggw065. Vol. 205.2, pp. 988-994 (2016).
Earthquakes initiation and thermal shear instability in the Hindu Kush intermediate depth nest.
Poli, P., Prieto, G., Rivera, E., & Ruiz, S.
Geophysical Research Letters. Vol. 43.4, pp. 1537-1542 (2016).
Arrival angle anomalies of Rayleigh waves observed at a broadband array: a systematic study based on earthquake data, full waveform simulations and noise correlations
HA Pedersen, P Boué, P Poli, A Colombi
Geophysical Journal International 203 (3), 1626-1641 (2015)
Deep Characterization of the Santiago Basin using HVSR and Cross-correlation of Ambient Seismic Noise.
C Pastén, M Sáez, S Ruiz, F Leyton, J Salomón & P Poli.
Engineering Geology. Vol. 201, pp. 57-66 (2015)
Imaging the D" reflector with noise correlations
P Poli, C. Thomas, M. Campillo, H. Pedersen
Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1002/2014GL062198 Vol. 42.1, pp. 60-65 (2015)
Global and along-strike variations of source duration and scaling for intermediate-depth and deep focus earthquakes
P Poli, G. Prieto
Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1002/2014GL061916 Vol. 41.23, pp. 8315-8324 (2015)
Reverberations, coda waves and ambient noise: Correlations at the global scale and retrieval of the deep phases
P Boué, P Poli, M Campillo, P Roux
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 391, 137-145 (2014)
Teleseismic correlations of ambient seismic noise for deep global imaging of the Earth
P Boué, P Poli, M Campillo, H Pedersen, X Briand, P Roux
Geophysical Journal International, ggt160, Vol. 194.2, pp. 844-848 (2013)
Body-wave imaging of earth’s mantle discontinuities from ambient seismic noise
P Poli, M Campillo, H Pedersen
Science 338 (6110), 1063-1065 (2012)
Noise directivity and group velocity tomography in a region with small velocity contrasts: the northern Baltic shield
P Poli, HA Pedersen, M Campillo
Geophysical Journal International, 192.1, pp. 413-424 (2012)
Emergence of body waves from cross-correlation of short period seismic noise
P Poli, HA Pedersen, M Campillo
Geophysical Journal International 188 (2), 549-558 (2012)
Published papers (For updates click HERE):
Seismic precursors to the Nuugaatsiaq landslide (Greenland), P. Poli, Geophysical Research Letters, DOI: 10.1002/2017GL075039
Depth variations of 410‐km and 660‐km discontinuities in eastern North China Craton revealed by ambient noise interferometry, J Feng, H Yao, P Poli, L Fang, Y Wu, P Zhang, Geophysical Research Letters, DOI: 10.1002/2017GL074263
Analysis of intermediate period correlation of coda from deep earthquakes, P. Poli, M. Campillo, M. de Hoop, EPSL, 2017, V477.
The deep Perú 2015 doublet earthquakes, S. Ruiz, H. Tavera, P. Poli, C. Herrera, C. Flores; E. Rivera, R. Madariaga, EPSL.
Reawakening of large earthquakes in South-Central Chile: The 2016 Chiloé Mw7.6 event
S. Ruiz, M. Moreno, D. Melnick, F. del Campo, P. Poli, J.C. Baez, F. Leyton, R. Madariaga, GRL, DOI:10.1002/2017GL074133
Mapping the rheology of Central Chile subduction zone with aftershocks, W. Frank, P. Poli, H. Perfettini, GRL.
Earthquake rupture below the brittle-ductile transition in continental lithospheric mantle
Germán A. Prieto, Bérénice Froment, Chunquan Yu, Piero Poli, and Rachel Abercrombie. Science Advances, 3 (3), e1602642. (2017).
Dynamic inversion of the 2015 Jujuy earthquake and similarity with other intraslab events
Carlos Herrera Sergio Ruiz Raul Madariaga Piero Poli
Geophys J Int ggx056. DOI: (2017).
The Mw 8.3 Illapel earthquake (Chile): pre- and post- seismic activity associated with hydrated slab structures,
Poli, P., Maksymowicz, A. Ruiz, S., Geology, G38522. 1 (2017).
The Seismic Sequence of the 16 September 2015 Mw 8.3 Illapel, Chile, Earthquake.
Ruiz, S., Klein, E., del Campo, F., Rivera, E., Poli, P., Metois, M., & Madariaga, R. Seismological Research Letters. Vol. 87.5 (2016).
Complex rupture of the M6. 3 March 10, 2015 Bucaramanga earthquake: evidence of strong weakening process.
Poli, P., Prieto, G. A., Yu, C. Q., Florez, M., Agurto-Detzel, H., Mikesell, T. D., & Pedraza, P.
Geophysical Journal International, ggw065. Vol. 205.2, pp. 988-994 (2016).
Earthquakes initiation and thermal shear instability in the Hindu Kush intermediate depth nest.
Poli, P., Prieto, G., Rivera, E., & Ruiz, S.
Geophysical Research Letters. Vol. 43.4, pp. 1537-1542 (2016).
Arrival angle anomalies of Rayleigh waves observed at a broadband array: a systematic study based on earthquake data, full waveform simulations and noise correlations
HA Pedersen, P Boué, P Poli, A Colombi
Geophysical Journal International 203 (3), 1626-1641 (2015)
Deep Characterization of the Santiago Basin using HVSR and Cross-correlation of Ambient Seismic Noise.
C Pastén, M Sáez, S Ruiz, F Leyton, J Salomón & P Poli.
Engineering Geology. Vol. 201, pp. 57-66 (2015)
Imaging the D" reflector with noise correlations
P Poli, C. Thomas, M. Campillo, H. Pedersen
Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1002/2014GL062198 Vol. 42.1, pp. 60-65 (2015)
Global and along-strike variations of source duration and scaling for intermediate-depth and deep focus earthquakes
P Poli, G. Prieto
Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1002/2014GL061916 Vol. 41.23, pp. 8315-8324 (2015)
Reverberations, coda waves and ambient noise: Correlations at the global scale and retrieval of the deep phases
P Boué, P Poli, M Campillo, P Roux
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 391, 137-145 (2014)
Teleseismic correlations of ambient seismic noise for deep global imaging of the Earth
P Boué, P Poli, M Campillo, H Pedersen, X Briand, P Roux
Geophysical Journal International, ggt160, Vol. 194.2, pp. 844-848 (2013)
Body-wave imaging of earth’s mantle discontinuities from ambient seismic noise
P Poli, M Campillo, H Pedersen
Science 338 (6110), 1063-1065 (2012)
Noise directivity and group velocity tomography in a region with small velocity contrasts: the northern Baltic shield
P Poli, HA Pedersen, M Campillo
Geophysical Journal International, 192.1, pp. 413-424 (2012)
Emergence of body waves from cross-correlation of short period seismic noise
P Poli, HA Pedersen, M Campillo
Geophysical Journal International 188 (2), 549-558 (2012)